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The table below lists Intermec cables by part number.

If the cable that you require is not shown please ASK FOR HELP.

1-974024-018 1.8m RS232 Cable (DB9F - DB9M). ASK £POA  
1-974024-030 3m RS232 Cable (DB9F - DB9M). ASK £17.58 BUY
236-161-002 Straight 2m (6.5') RS232 Cable with Female D9 Connector and an External Power Socket. ASK £POA  
236-163-003 Straight 2m (6.5') Wand Emulation Cable. ASK £35.26 BUY
236-164-002 Straight 2m (6.5') USB Keyboard Emulation Cable with a USB Type A Connector. ASK £41.01 BUY
236-184-001 Coiled 2m (6.5') RS232 Serial Cable with a Female D9 Connector. ASK £21.48 BUY
236-185-001 Coiled 2m (6.5') RS232 Cable with Female D9 Connector and an External Power Socket. ASK £68.87 BUY
236-188-002 Coiled 2m (6') Wand Cable with a 10 Pin Connector for Intermec 242x/246x/248x Terminals. ASK £POA  
236-189-002 Colied 2m (6.5') Wand Emulation Cable with 10 Pin Connector. ASK £97.46 BUY
236-197-001 Coiled 3.7m (12') RS232 Cable with Female D9 Connector for CV30/CV60. ASK £129.53 BUY
236-198-001 Coiled 3.6m (12') RS232 Cable with Female D9 Connector and an External Power Socket. ASK £POA  
236-204-002 Straight 2m (6.5') Keyboard Wedge Cable with miniDIN Connectors and an External Power Socket. ASK £51.40 BUY
236-209-001 1m USB Type A to USB microB Cable. ASK £27.52 BUY
236-214-001 Straight 2m (6.5') Keyboard Wedge Cable with PS/2 miniDIN Connectors and an External Power Socket. ASK £POA  
236-219-001 Coiled 2.5m (8') USB Cable with USB Type A Plug Connector. ASK £14.92 BUY
236-239-001 RS232 Download Cable. ASK £POA  
236-240-001 Straight 2m (8') USB Cable with USB Type A Plug Connector. ASK £POA  
236-297-001 USB Charging Cable. 2-3 days £46.99 BUY
321-576-004 2m USB Cable, USB-A to USB-B. 2-3 days £13.24 BUY
CAB-SG20-KBW001 Black Keyboard Wedge Cable for the SG20T Scanner or the SG20B Bluetooth Base. ASK £POA  
CAB-SG20-SER001 Black RS232 Cable for the SG20T Scanner or the SG20B Bluetooth Base. ASK £POA  
CAB-SG20-USB001 Black USB Cable for the SG20T Scanner or the SG20B Bluetooth Base. ASK £POA  
SR31-CAB-R001 Black RS232 Cable. ASK £POA  
SR31-CAB-U001 Black USB Cable. ASK £POA  


If you need help please call us on +44 (0)20 8979 5533 or email us at

We try to respond to emails within a few hours.

Updated 2024-07-24 at 13:47:01.

Errors and Omissions Excepted.