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740522-102 57mm x 22.55m Duratherm III Receipt Direct Thermal Continuous Strip, White Top-Coated Paper, Outside Wound on 10mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 45mm, 50 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required. ASK £71.50 BUY
740525-102 57mm x 30.48m Duratherm II Receipt Direct Thermal Continuous Strip, White Non-Top-Coated Paper, Outside Wound on 10mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 50mm, 50 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required. ASK £61.50 BUY
E22036-32 111mm x 30.48m Duratherm III Receipt Direct Thermal Continuous Strip, White Top-Coated Paper, Outside Wound on 19mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 66mm, 32 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required. ASK £131.84 BUY
E24612 51mm x 102mm Duratherm II Direct Thermal Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Non-Top-Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 19mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 57mm, Perforated, 126 per Roll, 32 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required. ASK £54.08 BUY
E24614 51mm x 102mm Duratherm II 5-mil Tag Direct Thermal Tag, White Non-Top-Coated Paper, Outside Wound on 19mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 57mm, Perforated, 125 per Roll, 48 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required. ASK £POA  
E24615 51mm x 102mm Duratherm III Direct Thermal Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Top-Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 19mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 57mm, Perforated, 126 per Roll, 32 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required. ASK £95.36 BUY
E24619 57mm x 33m Duratherm II Receipt Direct Thermal Continuous Strip, White Non-Top-Coated Paper, Outside Wound on 19mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 57mm, 50 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required. ASK £68.00 BUY
E24620 57mm x 24.38m Duratherm III Receipt Direct Thermal Continuous Strip, White Top-Coated Paper, Outside Wound on 19mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 57mm, 50 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required. ASK £75.50 BUY
E24627 76mm x 127mm Duratherm III Direct Thermal Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Top-Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 19mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 57mm, Perforated, 100 per Roll, 48 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required. ASK £159.84 BUY
E24631 83mm x 48.77m Duratherm II Receipt Direct Thermal Continuous Strip, White Non-Top-Coated Paper, Outside Wound on 19mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 66mm, 50 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required. ASK £107.00 BUY
E24632 83mm x 24.38m Duratherm III Receipt Direct Thermal Continuous Strip, White Top-Coated Paper, Outside Wound on 19mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 57mm, 50 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required. ASK £111.50 BUY
E24788 57mm x 15.55m Duratherm II Receipt Direct Thermal Continuous Strip, White Non-Top-Coated Paper, Outside Wound on 10mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 38mm, 50 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required. ASK £38.00 BUY
E24789 79mm x 12.5m Duratherm II Receipt Direct Thermal Continuous Strip, White Non-Top-Coated Paper, Outside Wound on 10mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 38mm, 50 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required. ASK £35.00 BUY
E25764 51mm x 25mm Duratherm III Direct Thermal Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Top-Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 19mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 57mm, Perforated, 506 per Roll, 32 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required. ASK £123.20 BUY
E26458 57mm x 13.1m Duratherm III Receipt Direct Thermal Continuous Strip, White Top-Coated Paper, Outside Wound on 10mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 41mm, 50 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required. ASK £61.00 BUY
E26480 80mm x 18.59m Duratherm II Receipt Direct Thermal Continuous Strip, White Non-Top-Coated Paper, Outside Wound on 10mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 41mm, 50 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required. ASK £54.50 BUY
E26482 57mm x 18.59m Duratherm II Receipt Direct Thermal Continuous Strip, White Non-Top-Coated Paper, Outside Wound on 10mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 41mm, 50 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required. ASK £43.00 BUY


E22977-32 111mm x 43.18m Duratherm II Receipt Direct Thermal Continuous Strip, White Non-Top-Coated Paper, Outside Wound on 19mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 66mm, 32 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required.
I20035 51mm x 25mm Duratran I Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Uncoated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 110mm, Perforated, 1760 per Roll, 24 Rolls per Box - needs a Wax Ribbon.
I20037 51mm x 25mm Duratran IIE Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 110mm, Perforated, 1760 per Roll, 24 Rolls per Box - needs a Wax or Wax/Resin Ribbon.
I20043 51mm x 25mm Duratherm II Direct Thermal Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Non-Top-Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 110mm, Perforated, 1760 per Roll, 24 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required.
I20048 51mm x 25mm Duratherm III Direct Thermal Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Top-Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 110mm, Perforated, 1760 per Roll, 24 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required.
I20064 102mm x 152mm Duratran IIE Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 76mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 190mm, Perforated, 980 per Roll, 8 Rolls per Box - needs a Wax or Wax/Resin Ribbon. 800640-605
I20066 102mm x 152mm Duratherm III Direct Thermal Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Top-Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 76mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 190mm, Perforated, 980 per Roll, 8 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required. D20066
I20075 102mm x 51mm Duratran I Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Uncoated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 110mm, Perforated, 930 per Roll, 12 Rolls per Box - needs a Wax Ribbon.
I20085 102mm x 51mm Duratran IIE Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 110mm, Perforated, 930 per Roll, 12 Rolls per Box - needs a Wax or Wax/Resin Ribbon.
I20092 102mm x 51mm Duratherm II Direct Thermal Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Non-Top-Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 110mm, Perforated, 930 per Roll, 12 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required.
I20094 102mm x 51mm Duratherm III Direct Thermal Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Top-Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 110mm, Perforated, 930 per Roll, 12 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required.
I20099 102mm x 152mm Duratran I Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Uncoated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 110mm, Perforated, 320 per Roll, 12 Rolls per Box - needs a Wax Ribbon.
I20100 102mm x 152mm Duratran IIE Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 110mm, Perforated, 320 per Roll, 12 Rolls per Box - needs a Wax or Wax/Resin Ribbon.
I20103 102mm x 152mm Duratherm II Direct Thermal Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Non-Top-Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 110mm, Perforated, 320 per Roll, 12 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required.
I20104 102mm x 152mm Duratherm III Direct Thermal Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Top-Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 110mm, Perforated, 320 per Roll, 12 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required.
I20109 102mm x 102mm Duratran I Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Uncoated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 110mm, Perforated, 480 per Roll, 12 Rolls per Box - needs a Wax Ribbon.
I20342 51mm x 76mm Duratran IIE Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Inside Wound on 76mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 190mm, 1920 per Roll, 8 Rolls per Box - needs a Wax or Wax/Resin Ribbon.
I20682 102mm x 152mm Duratran IIE 200grs Thermal Transfer Tag with Holes, White Coated Paper, Outside Wound on 76mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 190mm, Perforated, 970 per Roll, 4 Rolls per Box - needs a Wax or Wax/Resin Ribbon.
I20696 148mm x 210mm Duratran IIE Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Inside Wound on 76mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 190mm, Perforated, 715 per Roll, 4 Rolls per Box - needs a Wax or Wax/Resin Ribbon.
I20859 64mm x 25mm Duratran IIE Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 76mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 190mm, 5330 per Roll, 8 Rolls per Box - needs a Wax or Wax/Resin Ribbon. 880122-025
I20869 76mm x 25mm Duratran IIE Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 76mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 190mm, 5330 per Roll, 8 Rolls per Box - needs a Wax or Wax/Resin Ribbon.
I21346 80mm x 127mm Duratran IIE Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 76mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 190mm, Perforated, 1170 per Roll, 8 Rolls per Box - needs a Wax or Wax/Resin Ribbon.
I21742 51mm x 25mm Duratran II Gloss Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Gloss Polyester, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 76mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 180mm, 5330 per Roll, 8 Rolls per Box - needs a Resin Ribbon.
I21774 51mm x 102mm Duratran II Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 76mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 189mm, 1450 per Roll, 8 Rolls per Box - needs a Wax or Wax/Resin Ribbon.
I22045 61mm x 102mm Duratran IIE Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 76mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 190mm, Perforated, 1450 per Roll, 8 Rolls per Box - needs a Wax or Wax/Resin Ribbon.
I22382 102mm x 152mm Duratran I Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Uncoated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 76mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 190mm, Perforated, 980 per Roll, 8 Rolls per Box - needs a Wax Ribbon. 87985
I22605 148mm x 210mm Duratran IIE Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 76mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 190mm, Perforated, 720 per Roll, 4 Rolls per Box - needs a Wax or Wax/Resin Ribbon.
I22687 102mm x 127mm Duratherm II Direct Thermal Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Non-Top-Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 76mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 190mm, Perforated, 1170 per Roll, 8 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required.
I22803 102mm x 165mm Duratran IIE Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 76mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 190mm, Perforated, 900 per Roll, 8 Rolls per Box - needs a Wax or Wax/Resin Ribbon.
I22898 102mm x 51mm Duratran IIE Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 76mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 190mm, Perforated, 2825 per Roll, 8 Rolls per Box - needs a Wax or Wax/Resin Ribbon.
I22972 76mm x 25mm Duratran II Gloss Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Gloss Polyester, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 76mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 190mm, Perforated, 5330 per Roll, 8 Rolls per Box - needs a Resin Ribbon.
I23010 80mm x 127mm Duratherm III Direct Thermal Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Top-Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 76mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 190mm, Perforated, 1170 per Roll, 8 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required.
I23078 110mm x 162mm Duratherm II Direct Thermal Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Non-Top-Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 76mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 190mm, Perforated, 920 per Roll, 4 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required.
I23107 51mm x 25mm Duratran IIE Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 76mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 180mm, Perforated, 5330 per Roll, 8 Rolls per Box - needs a Wax or Wax/Resin Ribbon.
I23136 148mm x 210mm Duratran IIE 200grs Thermal Transfer Tag with Holes, White Coated Paper, Outside Wound on 76mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 190mm, Perforated, 585 per Roll, 4 Rolls per Box - needs a Wax or Wax/Resin Ribbon.
I23401 148mm x 210mm Duratran I Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Uncoated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 76mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 190mm, Perforated, 720 per Roll, 4 Rolls per Box - needs a Wax Ribbon. 3001699
I23600 102mm x 165mm Duratherm II Direct Thermal Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Non-Top-Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 109mm, Perforated, 300 per Roll, 12 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required.
I23623 102mm x 76mm Duratherm II Direct Thermal Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Non-Top-Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 76mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 190mm, Perforated, 1920 per Roll, 8 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required. DT10276-8P-PERF
I23671 102mm x 152mm Duratherm II Direct Thermal Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Non-Top-Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 76mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 190mm, Perforated, 980 per Roll, 8 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required. DT102152-8P-PERF
I23690 102mm x 165mm Duratherm III Direct Thermal Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Top-Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 76mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 190mm, Perforated, 900 per Roll, 8 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required.
I23802 148mm x 210mm Duratherm III Direct Thermal Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Top-Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 76mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 190mm, Perforated, 720 per Roll, 4 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required. D23802
I24139 61mm x 102mm Duratherm III Direct Thermal Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Top-Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 76mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 190mm, Perforated, 1450 per Roll, 8 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required.
I24149 102mm x 76mm Duratran IIE Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 76mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 190mm, Perforated, 1920 per Roll, 8 Rolls per Box - needs a Wax or Wax/Resin Ribbon. 3006326
I24158 148mm x 210mm Duratherm II Direct Thermal Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Non-Top-Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 76mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 190mm, Perforated, 720 per Roll, 4 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required. DT148210-8P-PERF
I24411 104mm x 55mm Duratherm III Direct Thermal Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Top-Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 150mm, Perforated, 1750 per Roll, 6 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required.
I24412 104mm x 55mm Duratran I Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Uncoated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 150mm, Perforated, 1750 per Roll, 6 Rolls per Box - needs a Wax Ribbon.
I24413 104mm x 74mm Duratherm III Direct Thermal Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Top-Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 150mm, Perforated, 1310 per Roll, 6 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required.
I24415 104mm x 74mm Duratran I Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Uncoated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 150mm, Perforated, 1310 per Roll, 6 Rolls per Box - needs a Wax Ribbon.
I24422 43mm x 25mm Duratran I Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Uncoated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 150mm, Perforated, 3700 per Roll, 12 Rolls per Box - needs a Wax Ribbon.
I24424 102mm x 152mm Duratran I Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Uncoated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 150mm, Perforated, 650 per Roll, 6 Rolls per Box - needs a Wax Ribbon.
I24490 43mm x 25mm Duratherm III Direct Thermal Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Top-Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 96mm, Perforated, 1500 per Roll, 18 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required.
I24496 104mm x 55mm Duratherm II Direct Thermal Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Non-Top-Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 96mm, Perforated, 700 per Roll, 12 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required.
I24498 104mm x 55mm Duratherm III Direct Thermal Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Top-Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 96mm, Perforated, 700 per Roll, 12 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required.
I24500 104mm x 74mm Duratherm III Direct Thermal Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Top-Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 96mm, Perforated, 500 per Roll, 12 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required.
I24502 104mm x 104mm Duratherm III Direct Thermal Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Top-Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 96mm, Perforated, 350 per Roll, 12 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required.
I24503 104mm x 130mm Duratherm III Direct Thermal Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Top-Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 96mm, Perforated, 300 per Roll, 12 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required.
I24504 70mm x 48mm Duratran IIE Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 96mm, Perforated, 750 per Roll, 12 Rolls per Box - needs a Wax or Wax/Resin Ribbon.
I24505 90mm x 29mm Duratran IIE Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 96mm, Perforated, 1300 per Roll, 12 Rolls per Box - needs a Wax or Wax/Resin Ribbon.
I24507 104mm x 74mm Duratran I Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Uncoated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 96mm, 500 per Roll, 12 Rolls per Box - needs a Wax Ribbon.
I24508 104mm x 150mm Duratran I Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Uncoated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 96mm, 250 per Roll, 12 Rolls per Box - needs a Wax Ribbon.
I25688 76mm x 51mm Duratran II Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 76mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 190mm, Perforated, 2835 per Roll, 8 Rolls per Box - needs a Wax or Wax/Resin Ribbon. 800630-205
I26261 101mm x 34mm Duratran I Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Uncoated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 97mm, 1010 per Roll, 12 Rolls per Box - needs a Wax Ribbon.
I26770 102mm x 51mm Duratran II Gloss Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Gloss Polyester, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 96mm, 690 per Roll, 12 Rolls per Box - needs a Resin Ribbon.
I27070 51mm x 25mm Duratran II Gloss Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Gloss Polyester, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 110mm, 1760 per Roll, 24 Rolls per Box - needs a Resin Ribbon.
I27108 76mm x 25mm Duratran II Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 110mm, 1820 per Roll, 12 Rolls per Box - needs a Wax or Wax/Resin Ribbon.
I27113 76mm x 127mm Duratherm II Direct Thermal Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Non-Top-Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 19mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 60mm, Perforated, 140 per Roll, 16 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required.
I27116 102mm x 152mm Duratherm II Direct Thermal Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Non-Top-Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 19mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 62mm, Perforated, 115 per Roll, 16 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required.
I27144 102mm x 51mm Duratherm II Direct Thermal Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Non-Top-Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 19mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 60mm, Perforated, 335 per Roll, 16 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required.
I28940 76mm x 25mm Duratran II Gloss Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Gloss Polyester, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 110mm, 1850 per Roll, 12 Rolls per Box - needs a Resin Ribbon.
I29190 102mm x 51mm Duratran II Gloss Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Gloss Polyester, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 76mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 190mm, Perforated, 2840 per Roll, 8 Rolls per Box - needs a Resin Ribbon.
I29668 102mm x 64mm Duratran SE Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Gloss PP, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 110mm, 780 per Roll, 12 Rolls per Box - needs a Wax/Resin Ribbon.
I29669 102mm x 152mm Duratran SE Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Gloss PP, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 109mm, 330 per Roll, 12 Rolls per Box - needs a Wax/Resin Ribbon.
I29670 76mm x 25mm Duratran SE Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Gloss PP, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 110mm, 1820 per Roll, 12 Rolls per Box - needs a Wax/Resin Ribbon.
I29671 38mm x 25mm Duratherm II Direct Thermal Die Cut Label with Gaps, Yellow Non-Top-Coated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 110mm, 1820 per Roll, 30 Rolls per Box - No Ribbon required.
I29672 38mm x 25mm Duratran I Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, Yellow Uncoated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 110mm, 1820 per Roll, 30 Rolls per Box - needs a Wax Ribbon.
I29673 76mm x 25mm Duratran I Thermal Transfer Die Cut Label with Gaps, White Uncoated Paper, Permanent Adhesive, Outside Wound on 40mm Cores, Maximum Outside Diameter 110mm, 1820 per Roll, 12 Rolls per Box - needs a Wax Ribbon.


If you need help please call us on +44 (0)20 8979 5533 or email us at

We try to respond to emails within a few hours.

Updated 2024-07-24 at 13:47:01.

Errors and Omissions Excepted.