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1-091645-01-0 110mm x 76m TMX1310 Standard GP02 Black Wax Outside Wound and Centred on 110mm Wide Notched 12.7mm Diameter Cores, 25 Ribbons per Box. ASK £53.50 BUY
1-091645-10-0 90mm x 76m TMX1310 Standard GP02 Black Wax Outside Wound and Centred on 110mm Wide Notched 12.7mm Diameter Cores, 25 Ribbons per Box. ASK £POA  
1-091645-20-0 60mm x 76m TMX1310 Standard GP02 Black Wax Outside Wound and Centred on 110mm Wide Notched 12.7mm Diameter Cores, 25 Ribbons per Box. ASK £29.25 BUY
1-091646-01 110mm x 76m TMX2020 Premium HP04 Black Wax/Resin Outside Wound and Centred on 110mm Wide Notched 12.7mm Diameter Cores, 12 Ribbons per Box. ASK £42.24 BUY
1-091646-20 60mm x 76m TMX2020 Premium HP04 Black Wax/Resin Outside Wound and Centred on 110mm Wide Notched 12.7mm Diameter Cores, 12 Ribbons per Box. ASK £23.04 BUY
1-091647-02-0 110mm x 76m TMX3710 Super Premium HR03 Black Resin Outside Wound and Centred on 110mm Wide Notched 12.7mm Diameter Cores, 25 Ribbons per Box. ASK £119.75 BUY
1-091649-01-0 110mm x 76m TMX2010 Premium HP06 Black Wax/Resin Outside Wound and Centred on 110mm Wide Notched 12.7mm Diameter Cores, 25 Ribbons per Box. ASK £69.25 BUY
1-130645-01-0 110mm x 220m TMX1310 Standard GP02 Black Wax Inside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £POA  
1-130645-10-0 90mm x 220m TMX1310 Standard GP02 Black Wax Inside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 20 Ribbons per Box. ASK £68.00 BUY
1-130645-20-0 60mm x 220m TMX1310 Standard GP02 Black Wax Inside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 20 Ribbons per Box. ASK £45.40 BUY
1-130646-17 88mm x 220m TMX2040 Premium HP13 Black Wax/Resin Inside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £POA  
1-130647-01-0 110mm x 220m TMX3710 Super Premium HR03 Black Resin Inside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £126.90 BUY
1-130647-20-0 60mm x 220m TMX3710 Super Premium HR03 Black Resin Inside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 20 Ribbons per Box. ASK £POA  
1-130649-07-0 110mm x 200m TMX2010 Premium HP06 Black Wax/Resin Inside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £51.10 BUY
1-130649-17-0 90mm x 200m TMX2010 Premium HP06 Black Wax/Resin Inside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 20 Ribbons per Box. ASK £41.80 BUY
1-130649-27-0 60mm x 200m TMX2010 Premium HP06 Black Wax/Resin Inside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 20 Ribbons per Box. ASK £55.80 BUY
1-970645-01-0 110mm x 450m TMX1310 Standard GP02 Black Wax Inside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £85.20 BUY
1-970645-10-0 90mm x 450m TMX1310 Standard GP02 Black Wax Inside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £69.60 BUY
1-970645-20-0 60mm x 450m TMX1310 Standard GP02 Black Wax Inside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 20 Ribbons per Box. ASK £46.40 BUY
1-970645-40-0 154mm x 450m TMX1310 Standard GP02 Black Wax Inside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £119.20 BUY
1-970646-05 110mm x 450m TMX2020 Premium HP04 Black Wax/Resin Inside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £163.40 BUY
1-970646-07 110mm x 450m TMX2040 Premium HP13 Black Wax/Resin Inside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £177.70 BUY
1-970646-15 90mm x 450m TMX2020 Premium HP04 Black Wax/Resin Inside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £133.70 BUY
1-970646-25 60mm x 450m TMX2020 Premium HP04 Black Wax/Resin Inside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £89.10 BUY
1-970646-60 165mm x 450m TMX2060 Premium HP66 Black Wax/Resin Inside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 5 Ribbons per Box. ASK £206.70 BUY
1-970646-61 110mm x 450m TMX2060 Premium HP66 Black Wax/Resin Inside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £275.50 BUY
1-970646-62 90mm x 450m TMX2060 Premium HP66 Black Wax/Resin Inside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £225.40 BUY
1-970646-63 60mm x 450m TMX2060 Premium HP66 Black Wax/Resin Inside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £150.30 BUY
1-970647-02-0 110mm x 450m TMX3710 Super Premium HR03 Black Resin Inside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £259.60 BUY
1-970647-40-0 154mm x 450m TMX3710 Super Premium HR03 Black Resin Outside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £POA  
1-970649-07-0 110mm x 420m TMX2010 Premium HP06 Black Wax/Resin Inside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £107.30 BUY
1-970649-27-0 60mm x 420m TMX2010 Premium HP06 Black Wax/Resin Inside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 20 Ribbons per Box. ASK £POA  
1-970649-47-0 154mm x 420m TMX2010 Premium HP06 Black Wax/Resin Inside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £150.20 BUY
1-970655-00-0 110mm x 300m TMX1310 Standard GP02 Black Wax Outside Wound and Centred on 110mm Wide Notched 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £56.70 BUY
1-970657-01-0 110mm x 300m TMX3710 Super Premium HR03 Black Resin Outside Wound and Centred on 110mm Wide Notched 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £173.10 BUY
1-970700-05-0 110mm x 300m TMX2010 Premium HP06 Black Wax/Resin Outside Wound and Centred on 110mm Wide Notched 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £76.60 BUY
I90018-0 114mm x 457m TMX1310 Standard GP02 Black Wax Outside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £POA  
I90021-0 114mm x 420m TMX2010 Premium HP06 Black Wax/Resin Outside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £POA  
I90026-0 104mm x 153m TMX2010 Premium HP06 Black Wax/Resin Outside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. 2-3 days £36.90 BUY
I90027-0 104mm x 153m TMX3710 Super Premium HR03 Black Resin Outside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £83.50 BUY
I90053-0 77mm x 153m TMX1310 Standard GP02 Black Wax Outside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £19.10 BUY
I90054-0 104mm x 153m TMX1310 Standard GP02 Black Wax Outside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £27.30 BUY
I90056-0 77mm x 153m TMX2010 Premium HP06 Black Wax/Resin Outside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £27.30 BUY
I90062-0 83mm x 153m TMX1310 Standard GP02 Black Wax Outside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £21.80 BUY
I90064-0 83mm x 153m TMX2010 Premium HP06 Black Wax/Resin Outside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £29.50 BUY
I90068-0 170mm x 153m TMX1310 Standard GP02 Black Wax Outside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £44.70 BUY
I90070-0 170mm x 153m TMX2010 Premium HP06 Black Wax/Resin Outside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £60.40 BUY
I90076-0 52mm x 153m TMX1310 Standard GP02 Black Wax Outside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £POA  
I90078-0 52mm x 153m TMX2010 Premium HP06 Black Wax/Resin Outside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. 2-3 days £18.50 BUY
I90080-0 52mm x 153m TMX3710 Super Premium HR03 Black Resin Outside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £41.80 BUY
I90161-0 63mm x 153m TMX1310 Standard GP02 Black Wax Outside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £POA  
I90163-0 63mm x 153m TMX2010 Premium HP06 Black Wax/Resin Outside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £22.40 BUY
I90165-0 63mm x 153m TMX3710 Super Premium HR03 Black Resin Outside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £50.60 BUY
I90167-0 152mm x 153m TMX1310 Standard GP02 Black Wax Outside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £40.00 BUY
I90169-0 152mm x 153m TMX2010 Premium HP06 Black Wax/Resin Outside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £54.00 BUY
I90208-0 83mm x 70m TMX2010 Premium HP06 Black Wax/Resin Outside Wound and Centred on 110mm Wide Notched 12.7mm Diameter Cores, 25 Ribbons per Box. ASK £51.00 BUY
I90343-2 104mm x 457m TMX2020 Premium HP04 Black Wax/Resin Outside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 5 Ribbons per Box. ASK £POA  
I90480-0 77mm x 100m TMX2010 Premium HP06 Black Wax/Resin Outside Wound and Centred on 110mm Wide Notched 12.7mm Diameter Cores, 25 Ribbons per Box. ASK £63.75 BUY
I90481-0 77mm x 100m TMX1310 Standard GP02 Black Wax Outside Wound and Centred on 110mm Wide Notched 12.7mm Diameter Cores, 25 Ribbons per Box. ASK £49.50 BUY
I90483-0 110mm x 100m TMX1310 Standard GP02 Black Wax Outside Wound and Centred on 110mm Wide Notched 12.7mm Diameter Cores, 25 Ribbons per Box. ASK £70.50 BUY
I90484-0 110mm x 100m TMX2010 Premium HP06 Black Wax/Resin Outside Wound and Centred on 110mm Wide Notched 12.7mm Diameter Cores, 25 Ribbons per Box. ASK £91.25 BUY
I90485-0 110mm x 100m TMX3710 Super Premium HR03 Black Resin Outside Wound and Centred on 110mm Wide Notched 12.7mm Diameter Cores, 25 Ribbons per Box. ASK £157.75 BUY
I90486-0 55mm x 100m TMX1310 Standard GP02 Black Wax Outside Wound and Centred on 110mm Wide Notched 12.7mm Diameter Cores, 25 Ribbons per Box. ASK £35.25 BUY
I90487-0 55mm x 100m TMX2010 Premium HP06 Black Wax/Resin Outside Wound and Centred on 110mm Wide Notched 12.7mm Diameter Cores, 25 Ribbons per Box. ASK £45.75 BUY
I90488-0 55mm x 100m TMX3710 Super Premium HR03 Black Resin Outside Wound and Centred on 110mm Wide Notched 12.7mm Diameter Cores, 25 Ribbons per Box. ASK £78.75 BUY
I90575-0 60mm x 450m TMX3710 Super Premium HR03 Black Resin Inside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 20 Ribbons per Box. ASK £283.20 BUY
I90581-0 90mm x 450m TMX3710 Super Premium HR03 Black Resin Inside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 20 Ribbons per Box. 2-3 days £212.60 BUY
I90639-0 90mm x 420m TMX2010 Premium HP06 Black Wax/Resin Inside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £87.80 BUY
I90657-0 60mm x 450m TMX1305 Black Resin Enhanced Wax Inside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 20 Ribbons per Box. ASK £53.40 BUY
I90658-0 90mm x 450m TMX1305 Black Resin Enhanced Wax Inside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 20 Ribbons per Box. ASK £POA  
I90659-0 110mm x 450m TMX1305 Black Resin Enhanced Wax Inside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £97.90 BUY
I90660-0 154mm x 450m TMX1305 Black Resin Enhanced Wax Inside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £129.70 BUY
I90661-0 60mm x 450m TMX2070 Black Wax/Resin Inside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 20 Ribbons per Box. ASK £POA  
I90662-0 90mm x 450m TMX2070 Black Wax/Resin Inside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 20 Ribbons per Box. ASK £POA  
I90663-0 110mm x 450m TMX2070 Black Wax/Resin Inside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £POA  
I90664-0 154mm x 450m TMX2070 Black Wax/Resin Inside Wound on 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £POA  
I90670-0 110mm x 220m TMX1301 Economy Wax Black Wax Inside Wound and Centred on 110mm Wide Notched 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £POA  
I90671-0 110mm x 450m TMX1301 Economy Wax Black Wax Inside Wound and Centred on 110mm Wide Notched 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £68.50 BUY
I90673-0 154mm x 450m TMX1301 Economy Wax Black Wax Inside Wound and Centred on 154mm Wide 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £POA  
I90674-0 110mm x 300m TMX1301 Economy Wax Black Wax Outside Wound and Centred on 110mm Wide Notched 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £47.40 BUY
I90677-0 60mm x 300m TMX2020 Premium HP04 Black Wax/Resin Outside Wound and Centred on 110mm Wide Notched 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £41.80 BUY
I90679-0 60mm x 300m TMX3710 Super Premium HR03 Black Resin Outside Wound and Centred on 110mm Wide Notched 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £94.40 BUY
I90680-0 60mm x 300m TMX1310 Standard GP02 Black Wax Outside Wound and Centred on 110mm Wide Notched 25.4mm Diameter Cores, 10 Ribbons per Box. ASK £31.00 BUY


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We try to respond to emails within a few hours.

Updated 2024-07-24 at 13:47:01.

Errors and Omissions Excepted.